As part of LMU Study Abroads’ Global-Local Initiatives, CURes participated in a Global Learning Expo in front of Von Der Ahe along the Alumni Mall on November 14, 2022. Students could learn about local opportunities to volunteer, get school credit and work for the Center in a variety of experiences with hummingbirds, coyotes and native plants.
Right next to the CURes table was Jorge Cortes, Research Coordinator for the Center for the Study of LA. He was informing students of a class going to Mexico City in a program close to his heart.
Maria Melendrez, Assistant Director for Global-Local Affairs, was showing off a poster advertising new exciting opportunities for students wanting to travel farther away.
The great thing about LMU is that you can study locally or abroad, and still feel like you are part of the close-knit LMU community because of the welcoming atmosphere created by staff and the passion for their work. Go Lions!