No August Summer Slowdown for CURes!

Our Center had one of our busiest months ever during the month of August with multiple student events in Ballona Discovery Park and on Campus! We hosted a small and intimate Resident Advisor tour for 7 on the August 18, 2023, and delighted our guests with copies of Dr. Strauss’ book on Hummingbirds in the Gottlieb Native Garden to share with their students.

On the August 22, 2023 Dr. Strauss and Lisa Fimiani led tours of the Park for 100 Honors Program students, focusing on our Native American ancestors, while Restorative Practices facilitators conducted circle shares in the Kiiy.

The next day we led over 20 LEAP (Life-Science Early Awareness Program) students on a tour of the Park highlighting all its amenities, as part of the learning, living community welcome events planned by Seaver College.

On Thursday we were back on Campus and Roya Shahnazari joined Lisa Fimiani to table the annual LMU Campus Resource Fair, along with our Global-Local Affairs cohorts, where we debuted our new QR Code for the Ballona Discovery Park Resource Center on the CURes website highlighting all the attributes of Ballona Discovery Park.


Saturday the 26th brought a parade of 150 Freshman walking down the hill from LMU in small groups over a 3 hour period, passing the Park on their way to the Playa Vista Farmer’s Market, learning about what the Park has to offer through our new QR Code display.

All in all we showcased our Center and our flagship Park for over 300 LMU students, parents, faculty, and teachers. Not bad for the last summer month of the year!