Through a partnership with LMU CURes and Friends of Ballona Wetlands educators, over 160 fifth graders from Victor Elementary in Torrance attended field trips to Ballona Wetlands on November 5th and 7th. The students walked in Ballona Discovery Park and the Freshwater Marsh, and as well as above the Wetlands on Cabora Drive. Students participated in several activities in order to better understand the park’s watershed, such as birdwatching in the Marsh and acting like El Segundo Blue butterflies in search of their host plants.
CURes partnered with Friends of Ballona Wetlands education and restoration staff members, Carolyn and Patrick, and their Intern (and LMU Student) Robyn, in giving the fifth graders an unforgettable experience. Our very own CURes Intern, Kyla Danforth, was invaluable in keeping groups moving to their stations and assisting CURes Program Director, Lisa Fimiani, in taking photos of the days’ events. We are very grateful for the Edison International Grant, which was part of a larger grant that CURes received for engaging students about Urban Ecology, and specifically Native Plant Gardens. Without their support, we would not have been able to do this.